Do you manage your own finances, but are concerned you’re no longer as capable?
Do you assist a loved one with their financial affairs and are having difficulty juggling this with your other obligations?
Or, do you need a separation of duties to help strengthen the bond?
Sometimes you need extra help to manage the details. This can be that things are getting too overwhelming or simply you’d prefer to spend your time differently, such as enjoying your grandkids or traveling and not having to worry about the little details.
For those managing the finances of others, we can help you restore the balance to your life and provide a keen eye on details. If you live hours away, we can be the “Boots on the Ground” and be your eyes and ears. Other times, you’d just rather spend quality time with your loved one, not spending visits digging through their mail or fielding phone calls and other communications and coordination.
Aside from helping with bill paying and account management/recording tasks, my background and experience can help me spot opportunities or trouble areas in advance. Reports are securely shared directly with the client and others they designate as appropriate.